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Bad Faith Tag

Insurance Claims Process: A Brief Overview on Understanding How to Negotiate Your Claims

 It is commonly recognized that insurance companies can be very difficult to negotiate with. If you have suffered a personal injury and intend on filing a claim with your insurance company, you should be prepared to negotiate a resolution with the claim’s adjuster. Settlement negotiations are a central part of the personal injury claims processes and they typically begin when the injury is reported to the insurance company. Many details must be considered before accepting or rejecting an insurance company’s settlement offer. An insured is not legally obligated to accept an insurance company’s settlement offer. However, if you do accept a...

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Auto Insurance Coverage Issues in the State of California: An Overview

Although thousands of Californians buy insurance for their vehicles each year, understanding the various forms of auto insurance coverage can be stressful and overwhelming, and once an individual needs to use their insurance, most individuals are unaware of the availability and affordability of some of the insurance protections available to them. Aside from the legal language used to define the coverage options, it’s also challenging to understand the sort of coverage that would best benefit a motorist’s individual situation.   Common Forms of Coverage: The following lists some of the most common forms of auto insurance coverage options in the State of California. ...

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