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Child Custody

My Ex is Accusing Me of Substance Abuse: How Does This Affect Child Custody?

My Ex is Accusing Me of Substance Abuse How Does This Affect Child Custody

Many politicians and intellectuals berate people for not having the discipline to avoid addictive substances. But it is easier said than done. Whether it is a few drinks after work or some prescription drugs to keep your brain chemistry balanced, many people feel like they need certain substances to get through each day. And who can blame them? Economic pressures, social unrest, and continuous political division make it harder than ever to resist such temptations. But could your alleged “substance abuse” affect child custody in California? The Child’s Best Interests The first thing you need to realize is that California family courts...

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How Can a Judge Know What is Best for My Child in a Custody Battle?

How Can a Judge Know What is Best for My Child in a Custody Battle

If you’re going through a custody battle in Riverside, you might be under the impression that only you know what’s best for your child. The thought of leaving important custody decisions up to a judge might be extremely distressing. After all, this judge has never met your family before, and they probably haven’t spent any time with your children. And yet they are tasked with making custody decisions that will affect your children (and your entire family) for the rest of their lives. So how exactly does a judge find out what’s best for your children, and is there a...

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Child Custody Precautions, Which Child Punishments are Legal in California?

Child Custody Precautions, Which Child Punishments are Legal in California

Many parents may want to instill a sense of discipline in their children. There are many ways to discipline or punish your children, from spanking and time-outs to losing video game privileges. But which of these punishments are actually legal? This is something you should definitely ask yourself as a parent before you get too carried away with your punishments. Although it might seem like the government is infringing on your parental rights, you may suffer serious legal consequences if you engage in child punishments that are illegal in the state of California. Physical Punishments  Generally speaking, physical punishments are legal in...

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Here is Why You Need to Pay Your Child Support in California

Here is Why You Need to Pay Your Child Support in California

Economic pressures are becoming increasingly problematic for California residents. With rising inflation and mortgage interest rates, monthly bills are starting to overwhelm many of us. Faced with these pressures, you might be wondering what would happen if you stop paying your child support. Perhaps you have no other option, and you literally have no ability to continue making these payments. While this is understandable, you should never simply stop making your payments without warning. Here’s what might happen if you do: Garnished Wages and Intercepted Tax Returns If you refuse to pay your child support, the court will likely find other methods...

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