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Does Alimony End With Retirement in California?

Does Alimony End With Retirement in California

Those approaching retirement in California may be facing all kinds of financial pressures, and it makes sense to limit these pressures as much as possible. This is especially true in a world with growing economic uncertainty, rising mortgage rates, and the looming threat of a major recession. One financial burden that spouses may consider as they tighten their budgets is alimony, otherwise known as “spousal support” in California. Can spouses end their alimony obligations when they retire in California? There is No Rule That States a Spouse May Cease Alimony Due to Retirement Unlike some other states, California does not explicitly state...

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Self-Driving Cars Allegedly Block Ambulance in California

Self-Driving Cars Allegedly Block Ambulance in California

While many people believe that self-driving cars will eventually make California’s streets safer, others continue to raise important questions about the potential dangers of this technology. This debate has been renewed once again in the Sunshine State after an incident that apparently saw self-driving cars “block” an ambulance from leaving the scene of a crash. A pedestrian lost their life as a result, and authorities are now shifting the blame entirely onto the shoulders of the company that operated the self-driving vehicles. Authorities Blame Patient Death on Self-Driving Vehicles On September 3rd, it was reported that authorities in San Francisco were blaming...

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Does Putting Assets in a Trust Protect Them Against Divorce in California?

Does Putting Assets in a Trust Protect Them Against Divorce in California

Many spouses prioritize protecting assets in a divorce, and this is a logical goal. After all, people suffer from heightened levels of financial security after a divorce. But when certain assets are protected, it obviously means that spouses lose access to these assets. Therefore, the protection of assets can be either a benefit or a disadvantage depending on whether spouses are pursuing or holding assets. One potential strategy for protecting assets involves using trusts. But does this strategy really work in California? Assets Held in Trusts are Separate As a general rule, assets held by a trust are considered “separate” from the...

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What Do I Need to Do in a California Injury Lawsuit?

What Do I Need to Do in a California Injury Lawsuit

Many injured plaintiffs may be under the impression that once they get in touch with a lawyer, they can simply sit back and let these legal professionals do all the work. While it is true that lawyers should bear the brunt of the legal work, plaintiffs may still be called upon to carry out certain duties and responsibilities. If you are approaching a personal injury lawsuit in California, it is helpful to learn what might be expected of you as you move forward. Answer Interrogatories As an injured plaintiff, you might be required to answer interrogatories. These are simply written questions that...

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